Chrysalis-B (6.5mb made by Reflective Layer 06/05/2011, install .exe) is a real-time evolution game that plays in a small window. You need to control the glass chamber environment with 2 elements, heat and water. Get the living environment correct with your temperature and humidity from your dirt and small plants and you could create several species and eventually evolve them into Elders. A unique but laborious game that can take hours for anything to happen. What this game could really do with is a "speed up" time option to get things happening quicker. This game would suit the busy person who can only check up on games progress every couple of hours or so. For the rest of us you'll need heaps of patience.
1)When finding the correct humidity keep in mind that the correct range is only 1 degree wide! So if the correct humidity is 25% then it will only work between 25.0% to 25.9%.
2)A quick way to test if you've hit the correct humidity level is to check the report screen. If any species ages within 2 minutes then you're in luck. Otherwise change the humidity by 1 and wait another 2 minutes or so.
3)One way to quickly scan all possible humidity settings is to split the range testing among other users in the Chrysalis-B forum. So one user
may be responsible to check between 0% to 20%, the other user between 21% and 40%, and so on so forth. Once anyone in your group finds the correct humidity, they can then post it on the Chrysalis-B forum to share with every one. It's one of the many ways to have fun while playing Chrysalis-B.
4)valid humidity rage is 0% to 99%.
1)It may take a few hours before the first sign of life appears in Chrysalis-B (remember it's NOT a shoot'em up game)
2)We recommend that you keep a record of progress as things start to evolve. A downloadable form to help you with this is available at our website at
3)Write down the temperatures at which certain species start evolving. This will help you raise future species faster.
4)Remember that you need to raise all SIX Elders for them to start their epic journey.
5)Click on the yellow bar the top of the game for quick info.
6)When your computer starts up it will automatically start Chrysalis-B. That way, you can will keep the experiment going.
7)When not actively using Chrysalis-B, you should minimize it, NOT shut it down. The species won't grown if Chrysalis is not running.
8)Check out for the back story of the Elders and other important info.
9)Also checkout the forum on the Chrysalis site for tons of into from other Chrysalis technicians.
9)Send you questions to
ControlsMouse or touchpad
Reflective Layer Forum (cheat sheet)
Game Download (external/other website)